You can choose from 7 different Solana compatible NFT wallets.
How to connect: Method 1
1. Login to on your computer in Google Chrome.
2. From the main menu, click on your profile in the top middle of your account.
3. Click on Integrations
4. Click on "Connect" next to Solana Wallet
5. Select which type of wallet you will be connecting
6. Enter any necessary credentials
7. All done! You can now show off your SOL NFT's inside of your Spatial space!
How to connect: Method 2
1. Join one of your spaces
2. Click the Blue + button in the bottom middle of your screen
3. Click on "NFTS" on the top of the popup window
4. Click on "Solana"
5. Click "Connect your Solana Wallet"
6. If you have a wallet already connected via a Google Chrome extension, then Spatial will detect this and automatically connect to it after you give it permission and enter any necessary credentials.
To disconnect your wallet, click on your profile on the main spaces menu, then select integrations, and click on "Disconnect" next to your Solana Wallet.