Filming Mode is an advanced mode that's useful for capturing professional quality videos of a space. It's available on Spatial Web.
When in this mode your avatar will disappear. Other people in the space will see a floating camera in place of your avatar.
Enter Filming mode by hovering over the button with the camera icon, to the left of the Share button in the top right area of your screen.
Camera Controls
- WASD : Move the camera laterally
- Q/E : Move the camera vertically
- Z/X : Roatate the camera (yaw)
- - / + : Change the camera speed
- Hold Shift : Lock the height of the camera
- 1~4 : Save/select the camera position
- H : Hide the UI. Press H again, or Escape, to un-hide the UI. Useful when making a screen recording using external recording software. You do not need to be in Filming Mode to use this shortcut.
- Mouse left click and drag : Rotate the camera
- Mouse right click and hold : Set anchor
- Mouse wheel : Change field of view angle
- Mouse wheel button : Reset the field of view angle
Best Practices
For the highest quality video, set your Render Quality in Settings to 1. This may slow down your computer depending on the quality of your CPU and GPU.
Known Issues
Videos recorded in Chrome and Firefox are webm instead of mp4
To generate an mp4 video from the webm video, we recommend HandBrake, or if you're comfortable with your computer's command line, ffmpeg (see this tutorial for an example of how to use ffmpeg for this case).
Videos recorded don't include the audio from the space
To include audio you will need to use an external screen recording software, for now.
The generated video sometimes looks pixelated and compressed
For highest quality results, we recommend using an external screen recording software.
Video recordings are sometimes cut off after only 4 or 5 seconds
This is due to a bug in Chrome. The Spatial team has reported it to the Chrome team. For highest quality results, we recommend using an external screen recording software.