We updated our custom environment workflow!
Our updates make it way easier to set your own custom environment as your space in Spatial! Follow the steps below to learn how!
1. Click "New Space"
2. Click "Upload Custom Space"
3. You can either drag and drop your 3D model file into your browser window, browse the files on your device, or select the file from your Spatial content menu.
4. Your custom space will now load and you will have the option to edit its positioning. If everything looks good, click "Looks Good" and then you are done.
5. If you clicked "Edit" during the last step, you will now see the following panel appear on the side of your window.
You can adjust any of the sliders as well as click on and drag your environment around the space. Do not worry about lining up the floow perfectly, Spatial will automatically detect and set the floor of your environment.
While editing, you are able to move your avatar with the WASD-QE keys. Once you are satisfied with the positioning of the environment, click "Done".